Sunday, October 21, 2007

How Does This Blog Work?

I thought we should try using a blog to share all of our family recipes. That way, they will always be easily accessible to everyone in our family. Librarians are all about access, you know!

Since we are each set up as contributors to this blog, we all have the ability to create posts. Each new recipe should be entered as a new post. Use the title of the recipe for the title of the post. After a recipe is posted, if you find that you substitute an ingredient or change the recipe in some other way, post this information as a comment to the orignal recipe posting.

In case you are unfamiliar with blogs, think of them as online diaries. Only in this case, this "diary" has many authors. And instead of babbling on about our personal lives, we are writing down our recipes. Blog is short for "weblog," a log of entries on the web! Remember, blog entries are stored in reverse chronological order, with the oldest entries being at the very end of the blog. Blog entries never disappear, unless the author removes the post or the creator of the blog (me) deletes it altogether. To the left of this post, you can see a list of active contributors and a list of all of the posts by title. It's not necessary to sign your name at the bottom of the post because Blogger does that for you automatically.

I hope we all find this blog useful and fun. Happy Eating!

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